DataTables Helper Module Creation

I’ve been adventuring, not for the first time, into the world of Datatables. I’ve worked with this library in the past and, through recent work, ended up deciding it was high time I put together a small, re-usable utility module. There were a number of underlying use cases to cover: The module needed to configure […]

A Couple of Hours with Azure Maps

I’m having a random ‘pick a Channel 9 video and blog from there’ session; the subject of the day is Azure Maps and the inspiration came in the form of this video. The plan is to see what I can achieve in an hour or two, so here’s my quick rundown to wet your whistle. […]

Groovy JavaScript Regex Name Capitalisation Handling

Greetings! A tidbit found by a friend of mine online, forming the basis for a small piece of work I’ve done this week surrounding name capitalisation. This was pulled from a stack overflow article so credit where credit is due for starters: js-regex-for-human-names This is fairly robust, covering Mc, Mac, O’s and double-barrelled, hyphenated names. […]

Modernizr – Detecting Screen Size Changes

A brief titbit today, but one I felt was worth sharing and has come in handy for work/personal projects recently for me. I’ve had a couple of requirements to gracefully show/hide and adjust web page layouts based on screen sizes (and screen re-sizing). I came across the following solution which works pretty damn well. First […] – JavaScript Course Impressions

In my day to day job we use JavaScript in anger (or at least have to deal with it) on a sporadic basis. We dive into T-SQL, C# (either for server side logic in web applications or for desktop applications) and other parts of web development (CSS and HTML) on a rapidly spinning merry-go-round of […]

jQuery is just a little bit sexy!

Cramming the word ‘sexy’ into the title was a sure-fire way of drumming up some attention. I’m happy to resort to dirty tactics as I’m still rocking my noob colours :-). It’s time to take a trip down the yellow brick, urm, jQuery road? Yes, I’ve said it now, so I’m sticking with it. I’ll […]