Merry Christmas

Firstly, for anyone following along, Merry Christmas all! I’m only a handful of posts deep but I can honestly say that I’ve loved doing this. So much so that I, most likely, will plug a bit of money into this in the New Year and try to sort a custom domain/do a few customisations to […]

Mucking around with the SpeechSynthesizer class

If you fancy a quick, fun, muck-around style project in C# then having a play with the System.Speech.SpeechSynthesizer class is definitely a good bet. Below is pretty much the most basic example of using this class which involves simply passing a string to the SpeechSythesizer Speak or SpeakAsync methods. More complicated variations are possible by […]

SQL Debugging Tips – Part Two

A common task within SQL is to search an objects definition for a particular reference. This might be a table, column, procedure, function or view name. Below are a few techniques for achieving this. I’ve also highlighted some tables that are related to SQL Server Maintenance Plans and how to start searching interrogating the data […]

SQL Debugging Tips – A Simple Example

Depending on the infrastructure of the application you are working on you may find yourself in need of really being able to interpret what’s going on in the guts of SQL Stored Procedures in a fast and efficient manner. For a small Stored Procedure you’re probably going to find that, locally at least, the debugging […]

Next up

I’ve been having a little think about what to cover next, keeping in mind that I want to at least attempt to shorten the posts and not drive everyone nuts with insanely lengthy content, etc. I was chatting to one of my colleagues today and we arrived on the topic of debugging SQL Stored Procedures. […]

jQuery is just a little bit sexy!

Cramming the word ‘sexy’ into the title was a sure-fire way of drumming up some attention. I’m happy to resort to dirty tactics as I’m still rocking my noob colours :-). It’s time to take a trip down the yellow brick, urm, jQuery road? Yes, I’ve said it now, so I’m sticking with it. I’ll […]